2025: The American Dystopia Begins.
Democrats are surrendering and there will be no serious opposition to far right-wing mania.
Yes, Democrats ran one of the worst campaigns in the history of the party. George McGovern may have lost in a landslide vote against Nixon, but Democrats (plus the minor parties) lost more in this election than at any other time in American history. Now Democrats are binding together in their surrender to authoritarianism. Newsweek reported on recent post-election polling in which the Democrats do not want to fight/challenge Dear Leader Porn Star Humper and his Theocratic-Nationalist/Nationalist-Accelerationist goon squad. The Democrats are “angry,” yet according to the polling they won’t put up even a minor struggle to oppose what certainly will be a list of Nationalist provocations and draconian policies. We are already strongly headed in that direction and Democrats have raised their hands above their heads. The polling has cemented my sad but very true belief that Dear Leader will have a virtually unopposed second term where he and his street gang will run rampant over this country while surrendering Europe and antagonizing the rest of the world. The results will be the American dystopian nightmare, but since so few Americans have any self-preservation instincts whatsoever, this will be gobstoppingly horrible.
I can’t fight for people who refuse to be helped.
Surrender monkeys have surrendered and I can’t fight everyone’s battles, so welcome to the nightmare you voted for. Now we all will have to suffer the consequences. It is completely selfish I realize to not be concerned with the fate of my neighbors and fellow countrymen, but I can’t help you after you jumped politically off the proverbial cliff.
So here is a list of predictions and probabilities of what the country will face. It will be a glorious period for CEOs, banksters, felons, and everyone in Dear Leader’s inner circle. Just not for you and your family, paycheck earner, pleb.
It will be a worse time with Dear Leader than if we elected Hedley Lamarr.
It will be a nightmare for 99.9% of Americans. Don’t bother putting on the helmet, it won’t help this time around. This is going to be four years of pure pain unless you are a member of a right-wing politically-connected already wealthy family. Or you are Bill Maher, Joe Rogan, Mika & Joe, and have firmly placed both DeSantis’ and Dear Leader’s ballsacks squarely in their mouths. The surrender monkeys think it will keep them safe. We will see…
A brutal immigration crackdown, the denaturalization of non-white citizens, and expulsions without due process of Latinos and “Chinese men of military age.” (100%) If you have watched any NewsMax or right-wing podcasts lately, this is their holy grail. They mean this, they want it, and they are selling it hard. It won’t fix crime (that’s their selling point, but look at all the white rapists, felons, thugs, and pedos surrounding Dear Leader). When crime does not go to zero, the program will be escalated again and again and again. Any judge who attempts to deny the racists this policy will be removed from the bench. Any judgment against this policy will be immediately emergency appealed to the rubberstamp-ready Supreme Court. The construction, hospitality, and agriculture industries will collapse soon thereafter due to the lack of labor, and they will blame anyone but themselves for the economic destruction they wrought. (Obama, HillBot, Harris, “woke”). What will really be a kick in the teeth to the low-info voter who voted for this shit: White boy labor will be nationalized to fill the gaps in the food supply. So are you ready to work the midnight shift at the slaughterhouse, white boy? How well can you scrub pans in the restaurant’s kitchen? How many hours in the summer heat can you work in the lettuce fields of Salinas without getting carcinoma, melanoma, or some kind of noma?
And of course, housing will implode as new inventory will vanish overnight and the rare house that does get built will cost three times as much as it does now. Most of the trades outside licensed electricians and plumbers (and some HVAC) are undocumented or flat-out illegal labor. That’s how corporate home builders have operated since the 1990s!! That is how corporate home builders profited by the billions building really shitty homes at the highest price possible with the cheapest labor possible. Seriously, go watch any of the home inspectors on Instagram. New home builds, even ones with million+ dollar price tags, are sloppily constructed ticky-tacky houses where basic construction practices are ignored and quality is not even an afterthought.
Alito and Thomas will finally stop being bribed as Justices of the Supreme Court and both will retire and they will be replaced by two even worse, corrupt, bribery-laden stooges for white Nationalism — welcome in the RubberStamp Court. (100%) The new justices beholden to Dear Leader will champion the bastardization of our economy into a Nationalist-Accelerationist inflationary timebomb. What will be the result of Alito and Thomas being replaced by two even more whacko right-wingers?? End of most consumer protections, the explicit end of healthcare for women (“Jesus is her doctor now”), and the legalization of every crime Dear Leader has committed or wants to commit. It will be perfectly legal for Dear Leader and his street gang of felons, grifters, and rapists to pilfer and outright practice thievery as long as it is an “official act” or corporate policy.
Social Security and Medicare will be sent into a flat-spin with the intention of setting up the self-destruction of those public services. (100%) Poverty among seniors is already 10+%. Estimates say that the elderly poverty rate will be ~30% after setting up Social Security for failure (that’s the point of Dear Leader’s no tax on high-income retirees; it defunds the trust fund and sets up its demise). Researchers have no clue how bad senior impoverishment will get if the right-wingers get their way and cancel both Social Security and Medicare. 50%? Higher?? No one really knows but it won’t be good.
A side note: America has about 2M seniors without families that are cared for in nursing homes. Those 2M lonely souls completely subsist on Social Security and Medicare. Removing those public benefits will result in the dumping of 2,000,000 seniors into the streets to watch them die shortly thereafter.
This will be cheered as “efficiency” in Nationalist-Accelerationist circles. While the apologist legion (Maher, et al plus Cenk/Anna at TYT, and many others) make excuses for the horror show).
Repeal of the Affordable Care Act (which red states love) aka ObamaCare (which red states hate — that’s how low-information these voters are IRL). (100%) There will be no replacement legislation; patients and families will be at the whim of Corporatist-Nationalist (read: not Capitalist) CEOs and boards of directors at for-profit hospital systems. Denying care will be the healthcare standard. Did you have cancer? You have a pre-existing condition and you are not insurable. Did you have a complicated pregnancy? It was because you hate Americanized Political AR-15-armed Jesus so you also are uninsurable. You can not afford brain surgery and open-heart surgery out-of-pocket?? You die. Too bad for you. Pro-life was always a canard. Now the death cult will bloom into a sanctioned profit system for the for-profit health corporations. Unless you work for a large company willing to foot the bill for your ever-increasing health premiums (good luck over time with that!), you won’t have health insurance. The last time Dear Leader was President, complications from COVID led to unnecessary deaths stats. This time around it will be patients being flat-out denied care for completely treatable conditions. We will refuse to pay for it through any reasonable actuary model. Healthcare will be the privilege of the wealthy.
Fuck off and die will be the healthcare system for the rest of America.
The end to the federal DOJ’s civil rights division including enforcement actions against rogue/corrupt/criminal cops and whole departments. (95%) There won’t be any more DOJ investigations of corrupt cops and departments. Instead, Pam Bondi will give holistic license to corrupt agencies to abuse/torture/murder/rape the poor and minorities as they see fit. No more civil oversight of police departments with horrific histories (like Vallejo, Pittsburg, Antioch, Oakland, and Oh! fucking Uvalde!) as well as no arrests of corrupt police as long as they only abuse the poor, women, minorities, and immigrants. If they don’t rape the oligarch’s pale white daughter, they will be welcome to rape anyone else they choose and there will be no arrests, no enforcement, no prosecutions.
Corrupt departments will get far worse and no one will be held to account for the criminality and misconduct in the ranks. It will be open season on young black and Latino men, and I am sure Glenn Lowry (the black “conservative” and literal crackhead who celebrated George Floyd’s street execution) will again cheer on the state-sanctioned murders of black men. It is coming.
The Department of Education will be eliminated and the House Education Committee will defund public schools across the country and allow states to dismantle public education. (90%) Public schools will be demonized and defunded and there will be a major shift of public funding to parochial schools. The right-wingers won’t have to worry about the teacher’s union, they are going to make them illegal. If you don’t want your kid being taught the bible, myths, and bullshit instead of reading and mathematics, too bad for you. Your choice will be your kids in churches reading scripture in Madaris or private schools you can’t afford that actually still teach children. The racists on the right hate that black children have a shot in our society through public education. So they are going to eliminate it outright. Sure, the elites will send their kids to a private school that teaches history, writing, science et cetera but again, it is not like you will be able to afford that. Your kid’s future is working in a meat packing plant on the midnight shift not even making minimum wage (there won’t be a minimum wage any longer). The wealthy family’s kid will become a lawyer, engineer, or doctor.
It is about making sure the wrong people don’t succeed in our society.
No more minimum wage, no overtime, no 401(k)s, and purposeful below-poverty wages. (85%)
No taxes on overtime?? You morons bought into that lie. Why is it a lie?? Because a federal judge just threw out the new overtime regulations. They will go much further: No overtime, no minimum wage, no retirements, and a high hearty go fuck yourselves. That’s the new economy coming in the years ahead. No taxes on Social Security is defunding Social Security and that is the whole point. Since there won’t be a Social Security program in the future, yeah, idiots, you won’t have to pay any taxes on that. Fools. Half of all Gen Xers have exactly $0.00 saved for retirement. There won’t be a 401(k) program (that is not a really good program; they literally took an old Christmas Club savings account and turned it into a 401(k) as the excuse to eliminate actual retirements—pensions). Most Boomers’ last decade in retirement will be miserable. Gen X and Gen Y and beyond will not retire at all if they earn a paycheck for a living.
They will work until they drop dead. Aka the right wing’s American Dream - a captive slave workforce. If you ain’t playing in the government welfare program called the NFL or NBA, you are never sitting on a beach and drinking a margarita in retirement.
The complete elimination of SNAP aka food stamps and all social subsidies for the poor. (85%) To the Nationalists and the Accelerationists, the poor are lazy and bottom feeders who leech off hard-working Americans. That is the right’s mantra every fucking time they bail out a bank or announce another subsidy for Elon the Apartheid Manchild (currently at $4.6B in welfare according to reports). If you think homelessness is bad now, give it a year or two under the Nationalist freak show. It will be worse than today or back during The Great Depression’s Shantytowns, sometimes called Hoovervilles. The poor will have to decide to eat, live indoors, or pay for their medicine (e.g. insulin). That makes the draconian right gleeful. They get to punish the poor for being poor.
Remember when we had a War on Poverty not a war on the poor?!?
Election finance laws will be eviscerated and even more corruption will happen. (80%) This one is pretty obvious as the Dear Leader’s transition team is flouting all norms. Dear Leader’s transition team lead, the WWE loonie with a faked education degree and allegedly the Ghislane Maxwell of the wrestling circuit, are running what should be an open and public process as a secret cabal with untold millions pouring into the campaign’s coffers (from which Dear Leader will pocket the lion’s share of those funds). The SuperPAC dark money is already a problem, but by the midterms, it will be the standard practice.
The billionaires will simply buy a candidate who will do their bidding. There will be no sunshine on the fundraising nor where the money ends up…in their pockets.
The end of non-profits with a public civic interest. (80%) Most of the serious legal challenges to Dear Leader’s moronic and evil policies were not fought by the States or Congress, they were fought by non-profit organizations such as ACLU, C.R.E.W., and the National Security Counselors. (Disclosure: I have donated to those organizations in the past.) Those non-profit legal advocacies had a few successes against Dear Leader and Dear Leader knows how to get them off his back: Make non-profits on a civic mission illegal. They have been trying to repeatedly for at least three Congressional sessions and this version passed the House this past week. The right-wing has presented the bill falsely as a bill to protect American hostages held in Russia or Gaza from being audited or fined by the IRS for not filing their taxes promptly (not kidding, that’s the excuse) but that’s like a couple of sentences of the bill. The bill focuses on giving the Secretary of Treasury unfettered permission without evidence or a proper procedure to revoke any non-profit’s tax status for (wait for it…) supporting and funding terrorism. What is the definition in this bill of supporting and funding terrorism? There is none. That’s on purpose. If you defy Dear Leader, the Treasury Secretary can willy-nilly declare you a supporter of terrorism, and revoke your group’s funding lifeline. Remember how the Nationalist bitch up a continuous storm about Lawfare? This is going to be lawfare on steroids and the two new kooks on SCOTUS replacing Alito and Thomas will rubberstamp all of it in the blink of an eye. Whatever Dear Leader and his gang want or do will be de facto legal for them, that will be the state of affairs.
There won’t be any changes to the church’s non-profit tax status no matter how many kids they fuck. Have you noticed they can never actually find the “groomer” even (see linked essay) if they walk in and catch the suspect with a naked child?
Ending women in the military in combat roles (75%), and kicking women, blacks, Jews, and people of Chinese descent out of the military. (50%) Dear Leader can’t control the military, he can’t keep them obedient and under an iron fist. The military already balked at his stupider plans and Dear Leader hates anything but supine conformity. So he wants to burn down the military and leave the military combat ineffective. Then, of course, he will grouse about how women caused the country to be left unprotected (yes, he will blame women, it is his thing) and then a call for trillions in new military spending and a white Nationalist recruitment effort to refill the ranks.
So to all those senior military commanders who would not be serious about Project 2025 because they thought something Reagan-like would come out of the Nationalist chaos — fuck you, idiots. If Dear Leader can’t get the military to do his bidding (he hates the military and veterans with a passion), he will destroy it for a generation. To that asinine retired Navy Captain on a podcast I watched a few months back, can the Navy operate if you eliminate 20% of the Navy’s personnel, you O-6 fucking moron??? Oh, eliminate women and blacks and Jews and Chinese — how much of the Navy is left empty?? Back of envelope from some quick research — minimally you wipe out over a third of the military so you can replace those personnel with racist Klan-minded sycophants. The military for the next 10 years will be a $2T paperweight that is unable to move or fight outside small units.
I hope and pray that Senator Joni Ernst has her retired rank of Lt. Colonel revoked, her DD-214 shredded, and her military pension canceled in this process. I really do. I think I will start praying every night for that outcome.
A three-pronged unwinnable war (that would be an entire budget-busting repeat of GWOT) in China, Mexico, and Iran. (51%) Of course, they will pass a tax break for themselves first, expel women and minorities from the military, and then they will go full-on Global War Part Deux. More and more right-wing politicians are fetishing a war with Mexico as part of their daily talking points. They are not happy with a war on Main Street USA alone and they are singing a long song about it non-stop. America’s place in the world ends the day they go down this rabbit hole. Listening to Peter Zeihan, the geostrategist, spell out China’s rapid decline and short-term financial collapse after lying about its population for decades (they are in a population collapse right now) and then listening to the hawks claim Taiwan will be invaded in the next 15 minutes is baffling. Since Zeihan instructs our military (at institutions like the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California), I trust his evaluations. China is a paper tiger that is dying before our eyes.
It will be the American war hawks who start the war in Taiwan, not China.
It will be the American war hawks who start the war in Mexico, not the Mexican government or the Cartels.
Dear Leader and Netanyahu will start the war with Iran, yeah, and Iran is also definitely guilty on that one, but thinking about doing Iraq all over again in Iran is cuckoo for cocoa puffs.
Gaza, West Bank, and southern Lebanon will be annexed by Netanyahu’s Nationalist regime. (66%) Netanyahu will then announce after the annexation the brand new Trump Golf Resort and Casino in Gaza City. That will be the quid pro quo between those two corruptAF leaders.
Why do you think Netanyahu went to Dear Leader’s illegal and Logan Act violating fake State Department at Mar-A-Lago?!?
Ukraine will fall to Putin’s evil regime (90%), Moldova is next (80%), and an American-less NATO will attempt to fight Russia in Warsaw after they steamroll Latvia and Lithuania. (60%) Corrupt surrender monkeys have already surrendered so Eastern Europe is now a lost cause. Maybe not by the end of the next administration term, but somewhere down the road, Putin’s dream of a new Iron Curtain will be achieved with Dear Leader’s blessing and explicit approval.
Putin will then announce the new Trump Tower project in Moscow. Everything is transactional.
The end of the U.S. Postal Service. (60%) The Post Office is in the Constitution, but faux Constitutionalists will eliminate the Post Office. Sure, it will fuck hard rural Americans (the Post Office is the only delivery system required by federal law to deliver to every address in the country; UPS, FedEx, DHL, et al do not have to deliver ubiquitously). It will fuck Amazon too. It will fuck UPS too! Post Office fulfills last-mile deliveries for private shipping companies. Are you selling your wares on Amazon, eBay, or Etsy?!? Kiss that goodbye since you won’t be able to afford the shipping costs and/or your customers won’t pay the increased total costs of your products, plus most rural customers won’t be able to get the delivery anyway. It will throw the legal profession into chaos as well. Legal service through the postal service is a thing, but suddenly it won’t be there. What will replace it?? Nothing planned and that’s your problem to figure out. They are too busy throwing the baby out with the bath water to give two shits. It is an ideological hill to die on for these cranks.
Ben Franklin wanted the Post Office because communication is part of free speech, but now Nationalists want a return to feudal Europe where only the aristocracy has permission to communicate. If you don’t have the King’s seal and permission, no mail for you.
Tariffs, taxes, border closures, and a Great Depression. (40%) Universal tariffs will bog down the system, but again, it is ideological so they don’t care about outcomes. The tax cuts for bailed-out banksters, corporations, and the mega-wealthy will be the excuse to cut public services even more, again and again. When they close the border as they love to threaten, $1.9B per day of commerce goes offline, and 60% of that is Texas-Mexico goods and services exchanges. Mega-tariffs are moronic. Groceries will skyrocket, far worse than they did in the pandemic if you have a 20% universal tariff and then a 200% tariff on farming equipment and parts coming out of Mexico. Mark my words, they are fine with tanking the economy, they love to punish Americans. The oligarchs already own everything, including not just land and factories, but they have spent the last two decades buying the newspapers, television, radio, entertainment companies, and every last bit of intellectual property they can get their hands on. If they tank the economy, they still own everything and they will cement their control over the government, society, and even our personal lives. Burning down the barn and dancing around the flames is their number one goal. Picking up the pieces for these fools is a tomorrow problem, burn it down then figure it out later.
The wealthy won’t be harmed and they vacuum up whatever is left of America and put it in their own pockets.
The elimination of divorce, spousal abuse laws, and spousal rape laws. (65%) Another issue they have turned up the volume to 11 on. Roe wasn’t about a medical procedure, it was about the State controlling the lives of women, you know, the lesser folks according to Just Dumb Vance.
More than half the country will go full-on American Taliban with the full blessing of Dear Leader’s DOJ (Pam Nazi Princess Bondi).
Direct censorship and revocations of broadcast licenses. (60%) The Nationalists firmly believe the tech industry is out to get them despite most tech CEOs completely backing the far-right politicians. Facebook and other sites will be censored by the government, and certain criticisms of Dear Leader’s policies will be banned. Anything “woke” will be banned. Nazism and white power screeds will be promoted by the algorithms so that social media is aligned through propaganda into its conformity.
I don’t think it was an empty threat to pull CBS’ FCC license. I don’t think they are kidding when they say they want to ban PBS and ban its funding (even though it is mostly privately funded now) and they refuse to be corrected by any news outlet the Nationalists deem unflattering.
We are in the destruction phase of America. All the gains since the late 1960s under LBJ for civil rights will be summarily dismissed. Rights will be a factor of wealth and political power (read: not you, poor white boy). The average household income will plummet while every cost of living will balloon up.
Is there any upside here? Not for Gen Xers, no. We are fucked; yes, the Boomers fucked us too. The half of GenXers with no savings and no retirements will die an early preventable death. Or worse, Americans will go the way of Russians after The Berlin Wall fell in 1989 when Russians spent the next 15 years drinking themselves to death not that we didn’t already do that with opioids.
Do my kids have a shot??? Maybe. Their best shot now is a Great Depression and economic reset and hopefully another renaissance period like the 1950s to mid-1960s (high wages, actual pensions, affordability across the board for the working family but without the systematic racism and misogyny). The oligarchs are running the show based on grievance (we are in their way and hurting their continued success). The system now won’t work for anyone except those atop the economic ladder.
Just maybe these Nationalist lunatics will run the country into the ground and that will be the awakening and the force behind rebuilding a society that is not based on disinformation and bullshit.
We are the historical replay of the rise of Fascists and authoritarianism. The ideology of Mussolini did not end well in the 20th century, it won’t be pretty in the 21st century. We must persevere and figure out what the next step is for our country and our society. There will be a period now when we won't be able to fix anything as long as we hold on to the broken two-party system and The Left-Right Orthodoxy.
We will need to lick our wounds, study our past, and figure out what an equitable society will be in the future. That's gonna take a lot of work and a lot of time. But it is up to us what our future will be. We just have to convince the surrender monkeys to stop surrendering. The only thing I am fighting for now is a hopeful future for my children. Unfortunately, that probably won't happen within my lifetime so now I'm concentrating on the children and the next generations. You should too.
We have to be dedicated to not let our failures become their failures. It is too late for my generation, but don’t give up and let it be too late for our kids and grandkids. They deserve a better future in a sane society.
That’s something we failed at and now have to live through a dystopia while this all plays out.
Until next time…
Think about it.
Postscript #1: OK, I just had another thought: The private prison industry must be fed. The contracts with the private prisons say the prison gets paid no matter what. So, after massive deportations of non-white people, who fills the private prisons across the country to maintain the high stock prices and the prison executives’ bonus enormous payments? Poor, young white males. Then they have their nationalized labor force for the meat packing plants and the lettuce fields. The private prisons’ stock has been blowing up since the election. Many big finance players are investing in caging humans and they are going to deport major sections of the labor force.
If there are no Mexicans, Nigerians, Venezuelans, Chinese, or any non-whites to fill those government-sanctioned profit centers, they will fill them up with other people. Who will be left?? Your dumb poor white ass. Good luck morons.
Extremely relevant and timely points, amigo. I'm with you.
LGBT people will also be targeted to fill the private prisons. Women will also be stripped of legal personhood by reinstating coverture & mass imprisoned for various novel offences like fornication & foeticide.